Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween and all the Glory!

Well it is Halloween 2009 and what a holiday it has been. After the kids finally decided on their costumes which it changed about 20 times, except for our Lucy girl who knew she wanted to be Alice in Wonderland in June.. they were the following Syd as a Black Widow(with attitude), Stock a White Ninja(with all the right moves), Lucy was Cute Alice, and Nic as Wolverine (with claws and hair). Halloween was about a week long event for us this year.. starting Wednesday with carving pumpkins and what a memory is that, Syd was big enough to clean her own, and Stock was wonder how you got the pumpkin guts out of the pumpkin and after putting his hand in and trying very hard not to puke Jon had to clean the pumpkin. I was cleaning Nic's and when I brought out the first of the insides of the pumpkin Nic decided not to sit so close to his pumpkin, then all of the sudden he was under the table telling us he puked, that he hates the smell of the pumpkin guts. Then when it was time to actually carve them Nic came back to help, but instead he decided to puke again. In all the commotion of Nic, Jon ended up carving Syd's pumpkin and that started a new round of drama. So with the event of Pumpkin Carving behind us, we did get cute pumpkins, though I am not sure we will ever do it again.

Then on Thursday we had the kids school Halloween party and the Ward party, which actually made it nice for getting the kids all dressed up.

Friday was work Halloween day, I took off 1/2 a day to take the kids to my work and then up to Jon's work for their company's kid day for Halloween. Needless to say the kids got tons of candy we could have called it a great Halloween with that. Then we went to a Garrison family party and the kids got to bob for apples and other games which ended the night great.

Finally, we get to Halloween.. and trick o treating in our neighborhood, the kids had a blast and filled their pumpkins with a lot more candy. When all is done this was a very fun and successfully Halloween!

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